Dental Injuries and When to See an Emergency Dentist

Emergency Dentist Las Vegas is one of the best ways to get immediate treatment for a dental injury. It also prevents further complications, such as infections or cracked teeth.

Dental emergencies can occur at any time, including during odd hours. Often, they can be treated during an emergency visit, but some issues require additional visits.

The Importance of Emergency Dental Services — Valley Creek Dental Care

A broken tooth is an unfortunate but common dental injury resulting from chewing hard foods or accidentally biting down on something sharp. Regardless of the cause, fixing the chipped tooth as soon as possible is important, especially if the cracked portion exposes your gum tissue or nerve. There are many treatments for chipped teeth, depending on the severity of the fracture.

In some cases, the broken fragments may reattach themselves to your jawbone. However, in most cases, you’ll need to see a dentist or endodontist to have the tooth’s root reattached to your gums. In this case, the dentist or endodontist will place a filling material on top of the damaged area to prevent further deterioration and restore the tooth’s appearance.

Treating a broken tooth with composite bonding or porcelain veneers is also possible. This process involves covering the cracked section of the tooth with a resin designed to match the color of your natural teeth. The tooth will then be polished and shaped until it looks healthy again.

Regardless of the treatment, scheduling an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible is important to ensure the best results. Until you get to the dentist, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or apply an over-the-counter topical numbing agent to ease discomfort.

If you’re concerned about the pain or bleeding associated with a broken tooth, you can use sugarless chewing gum or dental wax to cover jagged edges and reduce irritation to your soft tissue. If the damage is extensive, you can utilize a temporary tooth repair kit available in drugstores to protect your tooth until you can see a dentist.

It’s also important to collect any loose pieces of the tooth and bring them with you to your appointment. Your dentist or endodontist will be able to determine if the chipped piece was enamel or an old filling and can repair it accordingly. They can reattach the root with root canal therapy if it is a nerve.

Sometimes, a toothache can be treated by an emergency dentist if the pain is severe and doesn’t go away after rinsing or taking over-the-counter painkillers. Other times, the dentist must take X-rays to see if an infection or other serious issue requires treatment.

If you’re experiencing a painful toothache, rinse your mouth with warm water and use gauze to stop bleeding. A cold compress can also help to reduce swelling and relieve pain. It’s important to make an appointment with an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

Painful toothaches are often caused by underlying issues that can be prevented with proper oral hygiene. Be sure to brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss at least once daily. It’s also a good idea to visit your dental hygienist twice yearly for professional cleanings.

A healthy diet with foods low in sugar and acid can help prevent tooth decay. You can also prevent toothaches using a soft-bristled toothbrush and regular dental visits.

While you wait to see an emergency dentist, try to avoid hot or cold foods, as these may aggravate the pain. Over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can alleviate the pain until you can get to the dentist.

If you lose a tooth in a traumatic injury, find it and keep it moist until you see your emergency dentist. You can do this by tucking it on your cheek or in milk or saliva. The dentist will work to put it back in place if possible.

Sometimes, the dentist must take your head and jaw X-rays to check for an abscess or other serious problem. In addition, if you have any other symptoms with your toothache, such as fever, swollen face or jaw, or a rash on the skin around the area of the mouth, the dentist should perform a cranial nerve exam and possibly refer you to an ear, nose, and throat specialist for additional care.

It is bleeding after a tooth extraction, which is normal and usually stops within 24 hours. However, it’s important to understand that this does not necessarily mean that you don’t need to seek emergency treatment. Prolonged bleeding can cause complications like a dry socket, which leads to painful infections and other issues that can require professional intervention.

The best way to treat post-extraction bleeding is by applying firm pressure to the surgical site with a clean piece of gauze. Your dentist will normally provide you with a dampened gauze pad and rolled up into a square. Place it over the extraction site and bite down firmly for about 30 minutes to encourage a strong blood clot to form.

A clot protects the empty tooth socket and helps heal the area. Once it forms, you can avoid dislodgement by avoiding activities that could disrupt the clot. This includes vigorous rinsing, spitting, using a straw, drinking hot liquids, or smoking, all of which can irritate the mouth and disturb the clot.

It is also important to keep your head elevated during this time, as this minimizes blood flow to the site. This will slow bleeding and prevent the mouth from filling up with too much blood, making breathing difficult.

It would be best if you also ate soft, room-temperature foods and drank cold liquids while you are experiencing bleeding. Avoid hard or crunchy foods that may damage the extraction site. Applying gentle pressure with a gauze or a tea bag will also help.

Finally, if the bleeding persists after 48 hours, it is important to contact your dentist for further instructions. They can provide you with a sterile hemostatic dressing, such as oxidized cellulose (Abdullah 2014), gel foam, thrombin, collagen fleeces, or a combination product, and offer tips on managing the situation.

In prolonged bleeding, it’s important to be aware that it may be caused by medications or health conditions that interfere with the body’s ability to clot. Examples include blood thinners, liver disease, and hemophilia. These conditions can lead to problems such as the fragility of clots and the rapid reopening of blood vessels when trauma occurs, making it easier for bleeding to resume.

If you have an infection in your tooth, it must be treated immediately. This is because infection in a tooth can spread quickly and cause other serious health problems. When you get to the emergency dentist, they can treat and prevent the infection from spreading.

Various things, including bacteria and other pathogens, can cause infections. They can also occur as a result of dental treatments. Infections of the teeth can be incredibly painful and lead to other complications in your mouth.

When you visit the emergency dentist, they will diagnose your infection and prescribe antibiotics. They will also perform other treatment options to reduce your pain. In some cases, the emergency dentist may have to drain an abscess. They will do this by creating an incision and letting the pus drain. Infections can also be treated with root canal therapy.

The emergency dentist can also help with other infections unrelated to the tooth. These can include a soft-tissue infection that causes swelling and extends to different face or neck areas. They can also treat infections that are associated with traumatic injuries to the mouth and jaw, such as fractured, luxated, or avulsed teeth.

Seeing an emergency dentist can help you avoid long-term complications from your dental injuries. If you leave them untreated, they can grow and lead to permanent damage or even the loss of your teeth. If you are still determining whether or not you need to go to the emergency dentist, you should call and schedule an appointment.

The emergency dentist sees people mainly for dental pain and tooth emergencies that cannot be treated at home or by your general practitioner. This includes a broken or chipped tooth causing pain or a toothache. Injuries caused by a blow to the mouth or jaw or an accident can also be treated at the emergency dentist. However, suppose you have a cracked or broken tooth that is not causing much pain or did not happen due to a violent injury. In that case, it may not need immediate attention and can wait until your normal dentist is available.